Contact US
+45 26 48 55 90
Business Info
CVR: 20806680
Bank: Vestjysk Bank
Reg: 7600 Account:0001390301
IBAN account no: DK4476000001390301
Wesselsgade 21
DK-2200 Copenhagen N

Straight Shooter is a Danish blues and roots record label and production company situated in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Straight Shooter offers production, management, tour-booking, consulting and other music related service.
The company was founded in 1998 by blues musician, producer, blues entrepreneur and Engineer Peter Nande. Besides his own career, he began booking tours mainly for US artists (e.g. James Harman, Gary Primich, RJ. Mischo) and released his own albums through Straight Shooter that slowly turned into a label as more albums were released.
Later Straight Shooter expanded and started to produce and release albums for a selected range of artists. Currently Straight Shooter has released about 25 albums and more is in the making.
As the business was growing, Lene Bruun was hired to help with booking and administrative tasks in 2017.